Wicked City
This animated Japanese film is a dark, adult-oriented thriller. A peace treaty between the Earth and the Black World, a parallel universe of spider-like aliens is coming to an end. Two cops, Taki, a human male, and Maki, a female alien, are assigned to protect a diplomat who will help secure another treaty. A radical group of aliens from the Black World are out to assassinate the diplomat and prevent the treaty; only the bond that forms between the two cops can save the Earth from destruction. Sex is strongly associated with violence in many graphic scenes; although this is intended to play a symbolic role, this theme is used excessively. The story is effective, but the film is definitely not for children or anyone easily offended.
Genre: Animation, Fantasy, Horror, Sci-Fi, Thriller
Director: Yoshiaki Kawajiri
Actors: Arisa And�, Asami Mukaidono, Ichir� Nagai, Kazuhiko Kishino, K�ji Totani, Mari Yok�, Takeshi Aono, Tamio Ohki, Toshiko Fujita, Yasuo Muramatsu, Y�saku Yara