Definitely, Maybe
When Will decides to tell his daughter the story of how he met her mother, he discovers that a second look at the past might also give him a second chance at the future.
Keywords:belki Bien s�r byc moze Certamente Definitely Definitivamente Desigur... poate ca... Ehdottomasti Ehdottomasti ehk� ehk� forse Helt sikkert Helt sikkert... m�ske I tant que s�! Potser Isos kanskje Katera je prava Kesinlikle Kindlasti... v�ib-olla Koja je ona prava? Love Diaries Maybe Mindenk�ppen tal�n mozn� Na pewno Para Sempre peut-�tre quiz�s Sigoura tal vez Talvez... Tr�s Vezes Amor Un jour Urcite Vielleicht vielleicht auch nicht ???? ??????? ???????? ?? ???? ?? ??????????