30 Days of Night
This is the story of an isolated Alaskan town that is plunged into darkness for a month each year when the sun sinks below the horizon. As the last rays of light fade, the town is attacked by a bloodthirsty gang of vampires bent on an uninterrupted orgy of destruction. Only the small town’s husband-and-wife Sheriff team stand between the survivors and certain destruction.
Keywords:30 dana no?i 30 Days Night 30 Days of Night 30 Dias de Escurid�o 30 d�as de noche 30 Dias de Noite 30 d�as de oscuridad 30 dn� dlouh� noc 30 dni mroku 30 dni nocy 30 dni teme 30 giorni di buio 30 g�n gece 30 jours de nuit 30 meres nyhta 30 p�iv�� kaamosta 30 Rooz Shab 30 ????? ????? 30 ???? ???? 30-p�evane �� 30-?????? ??? A s�t�ts�g 30 napja Treinta d�as de noche