The City of Lost Children
A scientist in a surrealist society kidnaps children to steal their dreams, hoping that they slow his aging process.
Keywords:A Cidade das Crian�as Perdidas De f�rlorade barnens stad De fortabte b�rns by De fortapte barns by Die Stadt der verlorenen Kinder Elveszett gyermekek v�rosa Grad izgubljene dece I poli ton hamenon paidion Kadonneiden lasten kaupunki Kadunud laste linn Kayip �ocuklar sehri La cit� des enfants perdus La citt� perduta La ciudad de los ni�os perdidos La ciutat dels nens perduts Ladr�o de Sonhos Lost Children Mesto izgubljenih otrok M?sto ztracen�ch d?t� Miasto zaginionych dzieci Shahre Bachehaye Gomshode The City of Lost Children ? ???? ??? ??????? ??????? ????? ?????????? ????? ?????? ?? ?????????? ????